The Latest from The Lab: September 5, 2018

Here's what’s happening in our ecosystem. If you want updates like this one to land right in your inbox, please subscribe in the upper righthand corner of this page. Thanks for keeping up with us!

Farewell to Our Summer Flywheelers

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We could not have asked for a better group of Flywheel Project interns to have joined us this summer. Representing six colleges from around the country, Lacey, Kody, Ryan, Ben, Thad, Karson, Andrew, Blake, and Sophie dove right in and made the most of their ten weeks in The Lab. Their work experience ranged from Black Lab Sports and our Growth Division and Co-working Space to isplack, ONX Sports, Revo PT, and artists Will Day and Gail Folwell. They also went behind the scenes to learn from local startups and businesses such as Liberty Puzzles, Techstars Boulder, and the Denver Outlaws.

We appreciate the energy that each of our Flywheelers brought to Black Lab Sports and we expect big things from them in the coming years. We're also grateful to Michael O'Brien, who so generously shared his time and experience to make this Turn of Flywheel Project a big success. You or your network can contact Michael to learn how to become part of our nonprofit, Flywheel Project.

Dynepic Launches PlayPORTAL Studio

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Dynepic, creators of playPORTALrecently launched playPORTAL Studio, a suite of software development kits (SDKs) built to enable kid-safe authentication and social play features in apps, games and connected toys with instant child-privacy law compliance. 

Krissa Watry, co-founder and CEO of Dynepic, said, “Our playPORTAL SDKs provide developers with the tools they need to create the next hit app, game, or smart toy while we do all the heavy lifting for data security and child privacy.” Given the complexity of data privacy and security requirements for children, we expect playPORTAL Studio to be a game-changer.

Link to "Omaha" Documentary


Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate Peyton Manning, the Denver Broncos, and fine artist Will Day last weekend. If you missed "Omaha"–the documentary on Will's portrayal of Peyton's career with the Broncos (featured in the photo above)–you can watch it here. Congratulations, Will, and thanks to everyone who helped us turn this idea into reality!

Alaska Leadership Adventures

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A few updates ago, we introduced you to Mike Green, Black Lab Sports friend and coworker and also a performance coach. He recently returned from a month in Alaska, where he led three Alaska Leadership Adventures. With rugged country–typically the Alaskan Bush–replacing a conference room, Mike served as a guide, confidante, and motivator for change for each of his clients. He believes that the wild offers a unique environment for unplugging, introspecting, and testing oneself, and is confident that each client returned home a different, more whole, more confident person. To connect with Mike and learn more about opportunities such as these, visit or email him here.

SFIA Industry Leaders Summit is Coming

Reminder: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association is heading to Denver soon for the 6th annual Industry Leaders Summit. Spanning September 26-27, it is a great opportunity to become informed, learn from high-level decision makers, and network with individuals from across the sports and fitness industry. We have a small block of discounted tickets, so let me know if you're interested in attending.

Cowork with Us!


We're excited about the direction in which our Coworking Space is heading! Our goal is to grow our community of entrepreneurs by surrounding them with great energy, thriving startups, and passionate peers. If you're looking for a place to work outside of the traditional office model, find more information here.